Other Projects

Poultry House of Egypt application

Feb 23, 2025

An interactive application that includes poultry producers, companies, veterinarians, distributors and traders. We seek to control the market by providing a mechanism of support and protection from everyone for the poultry producer and breeder and achieving the maximum possible amount of risk distribution and protection. The application represents an added value for the poultry producer, achieving a degree of security and societal value. The application works to include poultry producers in larger and larger production circles. The application seeks a healthy work environment that rejects any corrupt product and encourages the good product and works to achieve the maximum benefit for poultry breeders from their work in a huge industry such as the poultry industry. The current marketing system contains within it factors of self-collapse and must be changed if we have honest management to find solutions and save the work. Our focus in the first place is the poultry producer and how to provide all services that not only develop its production but also provide it with a degree of security and societal value that it deserves. This is in the interest of the industry as a whole. It sees the solution as the necessity of replacing marketing systems that reject the corrupt product and encourage the good product. Good replaces a marketing system that exploits the product and destroys it to the point of intentionality
To restore the status and importance of the poultry product through service systems that develop its production
Finally, we present poultry house of egypt
The first service marketing system in the poultry industry
The missing link in the poultry industry to restore balance